Hi my name is Gary Shaw and I want to welcome you to Gloryside!

Like many of you, my wife Jan and I raised our family in the local church and loved serving the Lord in any way we could. During this time I spent about 17 years working in Commercial Photography (film processing and printing) and when things went digital I didn’t take the leap so I ended up driving truck for a while.
Then around 2005-2006 I felt God calling me to take a bold step of faith as a 50 year old. Through a series of events which opened and closed doors, God helped me understand that He was giving me the opportunity to step into my “dream job” and enter the ministry.
I was credentialed with the Minnesota District of the Assemblies of God in 2007 and then Jan and I were off on the adventure of a lifetime as church planters. God graciously opened the door to plant a brand new church (Friendship A/G) in my old hometown of Braham, Minnesota which was only 15 minutes from the home we have lived in for over 30 years! (The home you see in many of our videos)
We served the Lord there for 14 years and saw our little church grow as many people came to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Then in 2021 we transitioned out of the lead pastor position and my children’s pastor transitioned into the lead role.
Now Jan and I have retired but I still serve as an interim pastor helping churches that are without a pastor by walking them through the process of the pastoral search while I serve as their temporary pastor.
Our next adventure…
Leading up to this, I felt the urge to go back and learn to do digital photography and video. I have recaptured my love of working with cameras, lights, music, drama, and anything that might help share the gospel in a visual way.
Today I’m afraid that much of what comes under the heading of “Videos” is not God honoring. Gloryside is dedicated to sharing clean, fun, silly, and also meaningful stories that help us remember that our physical life is only one side of who we are. THERE IS A GLORYSIDE!
God wants us to step into that side through simple childlike faith in Jesus and what He did to deal with our problem of sin. His miraculous life, His atoning death, and His resurrection give us our hope for life eternal in the presence of God where we will experience His unfiltered glory!
My invitation to you…
If you live in Minnesota and have a Gloryside story that you feel might make for an inspiring video please contact me at glorysidevideo@gmail.com and let’s talk. We do everything on a free-will offering basis.
All for Jesus!